Ever since Corey learned that he is a small percentage Irish, he and Lori have been throwing their annual St. Patrick's party. This year we combined it with Ryan & Christy's baby shower so that some out of town friends wouldn't miss any of the festivities. We had a great time! Isaac was in heaven with all of the kids that were there…. The adults were definitely outnumbered this year!
There was fun to be had chatting, playing "pig" and basketball. Meg really got into the spirit when she found this hat and empty cups. We may have our hands full with this one!! We partied hard…. And were still home by nine… what can I say, we're crazy like that!!
Our typical Sunday of church then naps and playing at Gram & Grandpa's. It was nice outside so in between dinner and dessert we walked to the park and played.
All in all lots of
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