I have this book,
Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook: The Essential Guide to Caring for Everything in Your Home

It has been sitting on my bookshelf about, oh, I don't know three years or so. I have skimmed the pages from time to time. I have even used some of the tips to clean up around the house.
That all changed on late Sunday night... I became obsessed. Obsessed with cleaning my house. Not just normal cleaning, but
clean cleaning. Organizing, scrubbing, scouring, you get the picture. Every room has its own list. Every room has it's "problem area".
It took me two days to get the kitchen and dining room whipped into shape...
two days ! Now don't get me wrong, I didn't live in a disgusting amount of filth or anything, but you know how it is, to clean the kitchen table off for dinner, I would make a stack and put it aside, then again etc. Well, no more! A place for everything and everything in it's place!
The oven is sparkling, the floor shines! And this is just in the kitchen! The bathrooms are immaculate! You can see the
entire floor in our bedroom! It's amazing.
We have one more day, maybe two, of hard work to do today. I can't wait for it to be done. As a reward, I am going to paint next week, not too much, just the hallway and downstairs bathroom. I'll post pictures when it's done.
We'll see how long the cleanliness lasts with a two and four year old running around, but for now, a clean house,...
It's a Good Thing!